-Paranormal Suspense Author-
Mark E. Drotos
People, Places, and Things
The Haunting of Crimshaw Manor
I love interacting with my readers. One comment was that they wished they had a list of people in order to keep track of everyone in the story. This was a valid point, so much so that I do that very thing especially continuing a storyline over many manuscripts.
Below is what I have from my notes, but be forewarned, you may not wish to read too much until you have come to that person, place or thing you want to know more about. I have for convenience placed the person, place or thing alphabetically and broken it down by published books, not manuscripts I am working on.
Amangamet River- Indian name meaning "Shark's Tooth", originally facilitated trade from Wardensville, West Virginia and Harrisonburg, Virginia. The river unofficially separates East Strathmore from West Strathmore. East Strathmore contains the old downtown, the majority of homes, plazas and older farm properties. West Strathmore is where the university has been built. Newer homes, apartments, college bars and restaurants continue to be built to accommodate the school.
Atman Street- Street that runs out in front of DeMaine's.
Bresser, Mrs.- Dance Instructor at Strathmore University. Mrs. Bresser loves the ballet and strives to impart that unto her students. Mrs. Bresser is Evelynn's dance instructor at SU.
Crimshaw, Benjamin- Second caretaker of the Manor House from 1840-1868. Husband to Elizabeth Cantor and father to
​Jonathan Crimshaw. Disappeared during the Blizard of 1868.
Crimshaw, Elizabeth Cantor- Wife of Benjamin, mother of Jonathan. Benefactor of Strathmore University. Manor house named after her. Found hanging by the neck in the foyer of Crimshaw Manor after the Blizard of 1868. Believed to be still haunting the manor.
Crimshaw, Jonathan- Son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Crimshaw. Disappeared after the Blizard of 1868.
Crimshaw Manor- Constructed in 1818 it stood in the far northwestern portion of the immense Strathmore Estate. Was originally constructed to house a caretaker that took over a lot of the daily activities of the estate. Was named after the last caretakers, Benjamin and Elizabeth Crimshaw.
Davenport, David- Father of Stephen Davenport. Worked for the railroad at Strathmore and unfortunately died in his early fifties.
Davenport, Mike- Lt.Davenport, Gruncle Mike; Actually, Stephen's Great Uncle. Lt. Mike Davenport was a US Marine Corp aviator in World War II in Asia. A box of his belongings is still in the basement of Stephen's mother's home.
Davenport, Stephen- Steve, Professor Davenport; Doctor Strange; Born and raised in Strathmore it was not a surprise when Stephen decided to go to Strathmore University after graduating high school. Having had a paranormal experience as a teen that changed his life it also gave him insight into understanding his gift, or curse, of being able to see the dead. Stephen earned his Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Paranormal Studies. He currently is an adjunct professor of paranormal studies at Strathmore University. Tall, dark, and mysterious, Stephen enjoys rock climbing, hiking, and kayaking in his spare time.
Delta Kappa Pi- DKP; Sorority at Strathmore University shrouded in strange rumors and innuendos.
DeMaine's- One of Strathmore's oldest original buildings. It has been a furniture/cabinet builder, a funeral home and now is currently a new nightclub owned by Ted Rexpen and managed by Stephen Davenport. It is rumored to be haunted by the "Blue Lady", the "Shadow Horde", several unknown spirts and something sinister in the basement. This is where a teenage Stephen Davenport, along with his friends, spent the night investigating and had experiences that seemed to have triggered something within Stephen. It is also now the home of Stephen Davenport.
Drew Hall-Academic Hall on campus of Strathmore University.
Disembodied voice- A audible voice heard coming from nothing.
"DT"- slang by locals for downtown Strathmore.
Dumavastra, Evelynn- Eve, Evie, "E"; Born and raised in East Strathmore to Romanian immigrants, Evelynn always had a certain amount of precognition ability through dreams. After the tragic death of her parents, she was raised by her aunt. Evelynn is a student at Strathmore University through a ballet dance scholarship. She is majoring in Paranormal Studies. Tall with dark hair and a dancer's body she and Stephen are rekindling a brief romance they had while he was a student at SU.
EVP- Electronic Voice Phenomenon; Believed to voices of spirits not heard by the human ear but detectable on digital recordings.
Frampton, Peter- Musician with hit song "Show me the way". A popular singer of the 1970s and a heartthrob Robb's mother. His name is invoked in his mother's expression "For the love of Peter Frampton" for reasons unknown.
Geist- Poltergeist; Evelynn's Jack Russel dog.
Hanigan, Jack-Caretaker of Crimshaw Manor.
Kata- a series of movements repeated for unthinking reaction. Used in martial arts.
Lee, John- Johnny, Asian John, AJ; A student at Strathmore University majoring in Computer Science, minoring in paranormal studies. A member of the Strathmore University Paranormal Investigations club, member of the Audio/Tech club, and roommate of Robb Winchester.
Marcus, Marc- Doctor of Paranormal Studies, Dean of Paranormal Studies Department at Strathmore University. Dr. Marcus has been teaching at Strathmore for a long time. He was Stephen's mentor and now his supervisor. Marc Marcus has a strong desire to "professionalize" paranormal research and is always looking for ways to improve the program.
Mercer Hall- Building on Strathmore Universities campus that houses the Paranormal Studies and Social Sciences departments.
Ninjato- A short, 3' straight bladed weapon traditional used by ninjas.
Ovilus- A piece of equipment that is small, square, with two stubby antenna and a display face. It contains a long list of words or short phrases within. Investigators believe that changes in the environment can be manipulated by spirits to select words. Comes as a digital app as well.
Portis, Jeremy- Original caretaker of the Manor House from 1818-1840.​
REM Pod- Radiating Electro-Magnetism Pod; A coffee can size device with lights on top with an antenna. Radiates its own electromagnetic field, when a person or spirit comes near it the device will light up and sound an alarm.​​
Rexpen, Theodore Lasitor- Ted, Teddy; Originally from Louisiana, Ted Rexpen is a friend of Stephens and fellow alumni of Strathmore University. Ted comes from a wealthy family that is in the "import/export" business. After graduating from SU, Ted was expected to have an active role in Rexpen Enterprises. Ted surprised everyone when he purchased DeMaine's and renovated it into a nightclub. He has hired Stephen to "manage" the nightclub and live at the old funeral home on the condition he keeps Ted involved in any investigations.
Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital- Located in Strathmore it has seen its fair share of strange and unusual things due to the college students.
Skunk Ape- a creature similar to the Big Foot but is usually associated with the Florida region.
Soth, Lord- An undead evil knight from the AD&D role playing game system.
Speers Hill- area of Strathmore that Evelynn's aunt lives.
Spirit Box- A radio device that has been altered that sweeps through channels at varying speeds. It is believed that spirits can speak through these channels.
Spiritus Viatorem- Latin for Spirit Traveler; A process of entering a mediative state by walking a path in an area repeatedly where residual hauntings exist. The thought being that once in the meditative state the person projects their astral self to that point in time to witness firsthand the event captured in time. While in the state the person is an observer and cannot alter anything. A dangerous procedure that can result in the person not being able to return to their body or produce insanity.
Strathmore, Edmund- Lord Strathmore; Famed general in the French and Indian War. Original owner of Strathmore Estates, that slowly over time became the town of Strathmore. The administration building on the campus of Strathmore University is Lord Strathmore's original mansion.
Strathmore University- As the town of Strathmore prospered the idea of creating a university took root and opened its doors in 1840 upon the grounds of Edmund Strathmore's estate.
Strathmore University Paranormal Investigations- SUPI; A paranormal club at Strathmore University. Currently the President and founder are Evelynn Dumavastra and Vice President Robb Winchester.
Strydecker, Miss- Director of the Strathmore Historical Society.
Thorton, Christine- Evelynn's roommate at Strathmore University. Christine is a neat freak of sorts and very opinionated on her religious views. A skeptic of the paranormal.
Von Zarovich, Strahd, Count- A legendary vampire from the AD&D role playing game Ravenloft series.​​
Winchester, Robert- Robb; Originally from Arlington, Virginia, Robb is a short, muscular, red haired theater major and good friend of John Lee. Robb is a good-natured, fun-loving thrill seeker and has an interest in the paranormal. He is the vice president of the Strathmore University Paranormal Investigations club and a practitioner of Ninjutsu.​​